Alcohol Rehab & Drug Detox Clinic in Oxfordshire

Alcohol abuse and dependence are problems that do not discriminate. There are people in Oxfordshire struggling with alcohol, just as there are in every region of Britain. The key to winning the struggle is finding the right treatment. That’s were Middlegate comes in. We can be your contact point for private clinics and other treatment providers offering the services you need to beat your alcohol problem.

Professional help is available whether you are a problem drinker, alcohol abuser, or full-blown alcoholic. Your alcohol rehab in Oxfordshire begins by admitting that you have a problem and contacting us for further assistance. When you do contact us, will help you evaluate the seriousness of your alcohol misuse for the purposes of recommending appropriate treatment.

Rest assured that all of our contacts would be completely confidential. Our services are also free to you. That means you have absolutely nothing to lose by getting in touch with us. Indeed, your willingness to let Middlegate help you will enable you to take control of your life in order to break free from drinking.

Bespoke Treatment Plans

Alcohol misuse is a three-tiered problem. At the first stage, an individual is considered a problem drinker if he or she consumes more alcohol than they should, more often than they should. If left untreated, problem drinking can become alcohol abuse and, eventually, dependence (alcoholism). Now is the time to get help if you suspect you are a problem drinker.

If you have already progressed to alcohol abuse or dependence, you cannot afford to delay treatment any longer. Alcohol is destroying your body, your mind, and your personal relationships. It will eventually destroy all you hold dear if you do not get the treatment necessary to bring it under control. Please take advantage of alcohol rehab in Oxfordshire – for your own sake and that of your family.

Middlegate works with a number of organisations that utilise bespoke treatment plans tailored to each individual. Bespoke treatments are developed based on individual circumstances and clinical evaluations. We believe this is the best approach because we have seen how successful it is. When you contact us, we will tell you all about it.

The severity of your problem may indicate you need private treatment at a residential clinic. If not, you might be better served through a combination of treatments offered on an outpatient basis. However, for us to know for sure, we need to speak with you. The sooner you get in touch with us, the sooner we can get started.

You Can Beat Alcohol Addiction

Right now drinking controls your life. Nevertheless, you can change that. You can chose to get well by undergoing alcohol rehab in Oxfordshire. The fact is that you do not have to allow drinking to continue controlling your life. With the right treatment, support, and encouragement, you can beat alcohol once and for all.

Please contact Middlegate by calling our free telephone number, sending us an e-mail, or using the contact page of this website. We are waiting to assist you.

Alcohol Rehab & Drug Detox Clinic in Oxfordshire |

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Calls and contact requests are answered by admissions at

UK Addiction Treatment Group.

We look forward to helping you take your first step.

0808 250 2196